Benefits Forums
Cardinal HCM: 2024 ACA Processing Forum for Agencies
The Cardinal Team reviews updates to the ACA Certification process, including modifications to the ACA Reconciliation Report, and how these changes impact ACA processing procedures.
Cardinal HCM: 2024 ACA Processing Forum for Localities
The Cardinal Team reviews updates to the ACA Certification process, including modifications to the ACA Reconciliation Report, and how these changes impact ACA processing procedures.
Cardinal HCM: The Local Choice (TLC) Data Sheet Forum
In this forum the Cardinal Team showcases new features of the Data Sheet and provides a demonstration on the following:
- How to update, validate, and certify the Data Sheet
Cardinal HCM: 2023 ACA Processing Forum
This forum allowed the Cardinal team to provide guidance to Benefits Administrators on the following topics:
- 2023 ACA Certification process
- Clarifies Benefit Administrator responsibilities for reconciliation and certification.
Cardinal HCM: Inter-Agency Transfer Process Forum
This forum allowed the Cardinal team to provide guidance to Benefits Administrators on the following topics:
- Changes in the Inter-Agency Transfer Process
- Responsibilities of both HR and BN Admins
- Payroll Impacts
Benefits Administrator Forum – Benefit Event Entry
This forum allowed the Cardinal team to provide guidance to Benefits Administrators on the following topics:
- Overview of Event Class Changes and New Benefit Event Entry Page
- Featured Report: FSA and Admin Fee Errors Query
- Upcoming Changes and Enhancements
Benefits Administrator Forum
This forum allowed the Cardinal team to provide guidance to BN Administrators on the following topics:
- Reviewing Employee Benefits
- Life Event Tool
- Creating a Life Event
ORP Retiree Forum
This forum allowed the Cardinal team to provide guidance to BN Administrators on the following topics:
- ORP Retiree Overview
- ORP Retiree Scenarios
- Helpful Queries and Reports